The Theta Psi Chapter of Sigma Chi was founded on March 28, 1987. At the time of it’s founding, it became Sigma Chi’s 213th chapter and Canada’s sixth chapter
Located at the University of Waterloo, in Waterloo, Ontario, the Theta Psi Chapter is the preeminent collegiate leadership organization on it’s campus.
The chapter is active all three terms of the year: Fall, Winter and Spring. It holds numerous social, philanthropic and leadership building events in and around the Waterloo area.
To read about chapter news and find out about the events it hosts, see the News & Events section.
To find out more about the Theta Psi Chapter, please see the Theta Psi Chapter website.
A bit of history :
excerpts from “Sigma Chi & Theta Psi win at Waterloo” by Thomas White, Waterloo ’88, as appearing in The Magazine of Sigma Chi.
More than 200 active and alumni Sigs were on hand as 41 brothers of Delta Omega Chi Local Fraternity ended two years of waiting and were installed as Theta Psi, the 198th chapter of Sigma Chi, at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario. The charter was presented by Grand Consul Keith Sorensen at the Installation Banquet, held Saturday evening, March 28, 1987, at Seagram’s Museum. Theta Psi is Canada’s sixth Sigma Chi chapter, and the first to be installed in Canada since 1957.
Until the winter of 1985, which saw the founding of Delta Omega Chi, there were no fraternities or sororities at the university. In January of that year, however, two students in the school of engineering, Ron Nielsen and John New (son of Ryland J. (Kelly) New – Toronto ’38), each saw something missing in campus life and independently contacted Sigma Chi Headquarters, inquiring about the possibility of starting a new chapter. They were put in touch with each other by J. B. Allen, Western Ontario ’79, Grand Praetor of the Ontario-Quebec – St. Lawrence Province, and soon spread the word to their friends and acquaintances. After gathering a core of good men, a founding “initiation” ceremony was held at the Epsilon Omicron Chapter at the University of Western Ontario. Steven Delplace, McGill ’77, was appointed as Chapter Advisor.
The group took on several community projects: helping to clean up a summer camp for Big Brothers; packing and unpacking the equipment for the campus blood donor clinics; and providing security and traffic control for the region’s Canada Day celebrations. The first Delta Omega Chi Dance-a-thon was also held, raising $1,500 for Big Brothers.
Initiation ceremonies were held at the Church of St. John the Evangelist in Kitchener. The Master of Ceremonies for the Installation Banquet at the Seagram’s Museum was Past Grand Consul John W. Graham, Q.C., Toronto ’33, of Toronto. Other officers in attendance included present Grand Consul Keith B. Sorensen, Grand Trustees P. Brandt McCool and Robert W. Davies, Q.C., and Investigating Officer and 1985 International Balfour Award Winner Bart Hill, Chief Installing Officer. Installing Chapters Beta Omega, from the University of Toronto-Ryerson Tech, and Epsilon Omicron, from the University of Western Ontario, as well as Gamma Lambda from McGill University, also sent hearty delegations.
[At the installation banquet, the newly created] Kelly New Brotherhood Award was presented to both Mark Losch and Dieter Turowski. The award is named after John’s father, Ryland J. New, Toronto ’37, one of the most faithful supporters of the new chapter, a Sigma Chi who entered the Chapter Eternal this past February. Dance-a-thon Chairman Steve Burnett was also on hand to present a check for $3,200 to the Kitchener-Waterloo Big Brothers. These funds were raised at “Dance-a-thon II,” held in early March.
Chapter Name:
Theta Psi
Chapter Location:
Waterloo, Ontario
Date of Chapter Founding:
March 28, 1987
President’s Name:
Adam Vermeer
Chapter House Address:
268 Albert St.
Waterloo ON, N2L 3T6
Chapter Advisor:
Dan Weber
House Corporation President:
Neil Holman
Chapter Website:
School Website: