The Mu Zeta Chapter has strived to produce exceptional results in the areas of recruitment, philanthropy, fundraising, academics, brotherhood, community service and Derby Days this year. The Chapter continues to innovate and find creative ways to better our brotherhood and increase our impact at the school, community, provincial, national and International level.
With a strong commitment to our mission and vision, the chapter is dedicated to “to representing our lofty values of friendship, justice, and learning in our community at Brock and furthermore Canada, ever exemplifying our values as leaders of men” and “To continue to be the forefront of Greek Life at Brock and to strive to raise the bar for the Mu Zeta Chapter and positively impact all of Greek Life at Brock University.”
As we look forward, the chapter is focused on growing the chapter, and further our efforts in the areas of derby days, community service, school and chapter relations and alumni engagement.
Our Brief History
On December 1, 2018, Sigma Chi became a reality at Brock University. 38 founding members of the Mu Zeta chapter joined our order, after working for three and a half years with the General Fraternity and alumni in the surrounding area. The chapter was well guided in their development, with Ontario Grand Praetor David Rickards leading a team that included Kenn Manzerolle, Kyle Dicker and Colin Aitchison.
A banquet was held at Le Dome Banquet Hall which featured Grand Consul Tommy Geddings, Grand Quaestor Tim Sanderson, and Past Grand Consuls Douglas McWhirter and Wayne Tucker. More than 120 alumni brothers came together to support the work of these young men.
Rickards said of the chapter, “This chapter brings new leaders to Sigma Chi and these brothers have demonstrated their willingness to lead both on campus and in their community.”
Chapter Name:
Mu Zeta
Chapter Location:
St. Catharines, Ontario
Date of Chapter Founding:
December 1, 2018
President’s Name:
Harroop Ahuja
Chapter House Address:
9 Larchwood Dr, St. Catharines, ON L2T 2H4
Chapter Advisor:
James McGrath
House Corporation President:
Mark Munro
Chapter Website:
School Website: